Wilson Hill Pistol Club
Correspondence: PO Box 6433 Manchester, NH 03108-6433
Location: 1732 Lake Shore Road Manchester, NH 03109
New Hampshire Pistol League
Rules and Regulations
2015 – 2016
The purpose of the league is to foster the development and enhancement of pistol shooting skills and the application of the lessons learned thru good sportsmanship, (for example: the development of self-discipline and self-reliance, the application of the lessons of fair-play that are learned thru shooting competition, and the development and application of safe and responsible shooting practices). The league recognizes the importance of fostering good shooting habits and discipline in our members, and encourages participation in accordance with the league and club’s safety rules, range regulations, and all applicable statutory provisions.
RULES: NRA rules will be followed except that 1 alibi per stage will be allowed and two-handed shooting is allowed as long as the team is registered as a two-handed team. An NRA gallery match course will be fired consisting of 10 shots slow, timed and rapid fire. Each team will have a current copy of the NRA pistol Rules.
TEAMS: Teams must be made up of members of the organization they represent, per NRA rule #2.11. Minimum of 4 shooters to count for score. Individuals may shoot matches before the night of the match, under match conditions, but not after the fact, except that they may use such scores for their individual averages (not for team purposes). NOTE: If a shooter wishes to shoot ahead (banked match), he must state so to the team captain before shooting any matches for the night. All banked targets will count and must be used during the current shooting season. A minimum of three people must be present during the match.
SCOREKEEPING: Each score sheet must have the date, match numbers and team total. Each line on the score sheet is numbered; each shooter should retain the same number throughout the season. New shooters should be added to the bottom of the roster. If a shooter does not fire a particular match, his name should be appear next to his number on the score sheet with “DNF” entered in the scoring boxes. Matches must be numbered consecutively irrespectively of when a match was fired. At the discretion of the Board, if these provisions are not followed, scores may not count.
MATCHES: The season will consist of 20 home nights, 2 NRA gallery courses to be fired each night. Score sheets to be postmarked within 7 days of match date, with results issued every 4 weeks for paid scores. Score sheets are to be emailed on a weekly basis.
The last day that the first match of the 2015/2016 season may be fired is Monday, Oct 19, 2015. The last day that the last match of the 2015/2016 season may be fired is April 19, 2016. At the discretion of the Board, if these provisions are not followed, scores may not count.
DIVISIONS: NRA classification break points will be used to determine the divisions, except for Master class for teams at 1120 and over. If there are more than 6 teams in one division, it will be broken into 2 divisions, etc. teams will be classified for the season after 10 matches.
SCORING: Range officer must have scoring plug and overlay for the team captain’s use. Plug shall be used by the team captain only; disputes will be settled by the range officer.
RANGE OFFICER: Range officer’s name will be posted.
TEAM CAPTAINS: Team captains will collect the fees from all shooters listed on their score sheets. Score sheets must be mailed within 7 days after the completion of a match. Team captains will retain a duplicate score sheet.
MEMBER LISTING: Each club or organization must maintain a team roster with the following information: full name, address, zip code and telephone number(s). The team captain / co-captain information will be sent to the league secretary along with a copy of the league rules signed by a club (or organization) officer.
VOTES: Each team representative will have only one vote at meetings.
THE LEAGUE: The league shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of one member from each team. The leadership of the league will be elected by the board and consist of a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
FEES: Registration fee to join the league will be $50.00 per shooter. Junior shooters (under 18 years of age) will be $20 These are non-refundable. Checks must be made out to “NH Pistol League” and sent to the designated league official.
TEAM AWARDS: Team awards will be issued only to teams who shoot a minimum of thirty-two (32) complete matches (4 shooters). The board of directors may make exceptions to this by majority vote. (amended on 5/2/00 for the purpose of having latitude in dealing with teams that pay in advance but may shoot insufficient matches). Team Bullseye awards will come from the Bullseye league pool, minus the individual bullseye awards. Team two-handed awards will come from the two-handed league pool, minus the individual two-handed awards.
INDIVIDUAL AWARD CATEGORIES: Shooting proficiency awards will be presented in three classes: 1) Expert, 2) Sharpshooter, and 3) Marksman. Normally, Master level shooters would be placed into a separate class. However, based upon past history, the league does not have a sufficient number of shooters with an average of 285.00 and above that would allow the formation of a Master Class. The league has decided to merge the Master Class with the Expert Class thereby creating a viable class called “Expert” for “trophy” distribution. League Shooting Classes are defined as follows:
Expert 270-300.
Sharpshooter 255 – 269.99
Marksman 254.99 and below
16. INDIVIDUAL AWARD DISTRIBUTION: The calculation of purses for “trophies” and “returns” are based upon the funds collected by the league during the shooting season. It is the goal of the league to operate as a non-profit organization. All funds collected will be returned to the shooters. No one is paid for services and normally, no league expenses are expected.
Individual Awards: Awards will be limited to individuals who have completed thirty-two (32) or more matches.
“Prize Pool” will be 15% of the amount of the funds available.
“Trophies” (usually cash) will be awarded to shooters based upon the high scores in each of the three league shooting classes. The number of awards in each class will be calculated by dividing the number of shooters in the class by 5 and truncating the result. Each class winner will be awarded 5 shares of the funding pool. Additional class ranks (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.) will be recognized based upon the number of shooters in each class. Subsequent place winners will be awarded 4 shares to Second Place, 3 shares to Third Place, 2 shares to Fourth Place and 1 share for Fifth Place and beyond.
“Returns” (usually cash) will be paid equally to each shooter who has completed 32 matchers or more matches. The amount of the “return” award will be determined by calculating the amount of the funds available minus the “trophies” and then dividing by the number of eligible shooters.
TREASURY: A minimum balance of $100.00 will be maintained at the end of the shooting season to assist in opening the following season.
COMPETENCY: It will be the responsibility of the team captain to field qualified league shooters. The shooter must be familiar with the gallery match course and be able to place 10 shots slow fire on the target. Every shooter must have a proper knowledge of gun safety and rules.
GRIEVANCES: Grievances will be settled by at least ½ of the board of directors after due notice.
ASSETS: Disposition of assets will be determined by a majority of the board of directors.
TEAM ____________________________________________________________________
Captain: ______________________________ Co-Captain: _________________________
Address: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________
Email: ______________________________ Email: ____________________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Telephone: __________________________
Club Officer: ___________________________ Title: ______________________________
Address: _______________________________ Telephone: _________________________