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Bulls Eye League


Wilson Hill Pistol Club reserves Wednesday evenings during winter months for its members-only .22LR bullseye league team. All WHPC members are encouraged to give this sport a try – it is excellent for developing trigger control and can improve other shooting ability.


WHPC bullseye team shooters use their own .22LR revolvers or semi-automatic pistols. The distance is 50’ from a one or two hand stance , and the 10-ring is almost as small as the bullet. Optics are recommended (red dot, no magnification). Any .22LR ammunition is permitted. All WHPC range rules are enforced – no exceptions.


The schedule consists of 20 Wednesday evenings during the winter, beginning at 6pm and then every 45-60 minutes done – during which the range is closed to other members. Absences can be made up. Registration is $50 to NH Pistol League and $20 to WHPC on the first night (cash or two checks).

First-year shooter averages for weeks one through 10 will determine their Marksman, Sharpshooter or Expert  category. Everyone else is placed in the category corresponding to their prior season final average. The league end-of-season payout is divided among the top individuals in each category, and top teams.

More Bullseye Information

Will the .22LR handgun you already own be adequate with an optic? Beginners should be aware that expensive Olympic- or International-style .22LR pistols do not have a significant effect on scores for most shooters – scores are largely determined by mental focus and body. So we suggest you initially observe or use what you have and learn about the sport. Then consider whether to buy a used setup, or a “reasonably priced” new pistol & optic (with available grip and trigger upgrades later). Make new friends, enjoy the challenge, develop your skills, and finish a couple of seasons before considering additional spending.

In Conclusion


WHPC bullseye team shooters enjoy being together and helping one another improve. Interested WHPC members are encouraged to observe or try it. Note that WHPC is a small indoor private range and not handicap accessible - although we have a portable ramp for the front entrance and lane #4 can accommodate a wheelchair.


Bullseye season schedule details are posted on the WHPC web calendar. On 1st Wednesday of each month, shooting is suspended due to club meeting. And check the WHPC web calendar for adverse weather cancellations.

For more information, contact a WHPC board member or our team captain. We hope to welcome you to the WHPC bullseye league team.



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